Don Bradman

Don Bradman is widely considered one of the greatest cricketers of all time. Born in Cootamundra, New South Wales, Australia on August 27, 1908, Bradman played for the Australian cricket team from 1928 to 1948 and amassed numerous records and achievements during his career.

Early Life and Education

Bradman grew up in a farming family and was the youngest of five children. He attended Bowral Public School and then Bowral High School, where he excelled in sports, particularly cricket. He started playing cricket at a young age and quickly developed a natural talent for the game.

As a teenager, Bradman worked odd jobs to help support his family. He also played cricket for local teams and was noticed by a local cricket coach, who offered to train him. Bradman began taking lessons and quickly improved his skills.

Cricketing Career

Bradman’s cricket career began in earnest when he joined the New South Wales cricket team in 1927. The following year, he made his debut for the Australian cricket team against England. Bradman quickly established himself as a formidable player, scoring 118 runs in his first test match and helping Australia to a win.

Over the next few years, Bradman continued to dominate the game, breaking numerous records and setting new ones. In 1930, he scored 452 not out in a single innings, a record that still stands today. In 1932-33, Bradman led Australia to a crushing victory over England, scoring 334 runs in a single test match, another record that still stands.

Bradman’s success on the cricket pitch was due to a combination of factors. He had excellent hand-eye coordination, a strong work ethic, and an ability to analyze his opponents and adjust his game accordingly. He was also known for his mental toughness and his ability to remain focused under pressure.

Despite his many achievements, Bradman also faced some setbacks during his career. He suffered from bouts of illness and injury, and he was forced to sit out some matches as a result. He also faced criticism from some quarters, particularly in England, where he was seen as a brash and aggressive player.

Retirement and Legacy

Bradman retired from cricket in 1948, having played in 52 test matches and scored a total of 6,996 runs at an average of 99.94. His record is still unmatched today, and he is widely regarded as the greatest batsman of all time.

After his retirement, Bradman continued to be involved in cricket, serving as a coach and administrator. He was also an avid golfer and enjoyed playing and watching the sport.

In addition to his achievements on the cricket pitch, Bradman is also remembered for his contributions to Australian society. He was a supporter of numerous charitable organizations and was awarded numerous honors and awards, including a knighthood in 1949.

Bradman’s legacy continues to be felt in the world of cricket and beyond. He is regarded as a national hero in Australia, and his name has become synonymous with excellence and achievement. He has inspired countless cricketers and sportspeople around the world, and his impact on the game of cricket cannot be overstated.

Personal Life

Bradman was married to Jessie Menzies from 1932 until her death in 1997. The couple had two children together. Bradman was known for his love of music and literature, and he was a talented pianist and writer.

In later life, Bradman suffered from various health problems, including a stroke in 1994 that left him partially paralyzed. He died on February 25, 2001, at the age of 92.

In conclusion, Don Bradman was a legendary cricketer whose achievements on the cricket pitch continue to be unmatched today.

Don Bradman Playing Statistics

  1. Test matches played: 52
  2. Innings played: 80
  3. Not out: 10
  4. Runs scored: 6,996
  5. Highest score: 334
  6. Average: 99.94
  7. Hundreds: 29
  8. Fifties: 13
  9. Double hundreds: 12
  10. Triple hundred: 2
  11. Catches taken: 32
  12. Wickets taken: 2
  13. Bowling average: 36.00
  14. Best bowling figures: 1/8
  15. 4-wicket hauls: 0
  16. 5-wicket hauls: 0
  17. 10-wicket hauls: 0
  18. Overs bowled: 35.1
  19. Maidens: 6
  20. Runs conceded: 216
  21. Balls bowled: 211
  22. Strike rate: 105.5
  23. Batting strike rate: 97.50
  24. Innings per century: 2.75
  25. Innings per fifty: 5.90
  26. Percentage of centuries: 36.25%
  27. Percentage of fifties: 16.25%
  28. Balls per century: 96.38
  29. Balls per fifty: 42.04
  30. Innings per hundred against each opponent: England – 2.17; South Africa – 3.67; India – 1.50; West Indies – 1.20
  31. Number of times dismissed caught: 53
  32. Number of times dismissed bowled: 7
  33. Number of times dismissed lbw: 14
  34. Number of times dismissed stumped: 1
  35. Number of times dismissed hit wicket: 0
  36. Number of times dismissed run out: 2
  37. Number of times dismissed retired hurt: 1
  38. Number of times dismissed obstructing the field: 0
  39. Number of times dismissed hit the ball twice: 0
  40. Number of times dismissed timed out: 0
  41. Number of times dismissed handled the ball: 0
  42. Number of matches in which Bradman scored a century in each innings: 2
  43. Number of matches in which Bradman scored a triple century: 2
  44. Number of matches in which Bradman scored a double century: 12

Notable Quotes by Don Bradman

Don Bradman was known for his outstanding performance on the cricket field, but he was also known for his insightful and inspiring quotes. Here are some of his notable quotes:

  1. “You can be a little ungrammatical if you come from the right part of the country.”
  2. “I’ve always believed that you should never, ever give up and you should always keep fighting even when there’s only a slightest chance.”
  3. “When considering the stature of an athlete or for that matter any person, I set great store in certain qualities which I believe to be essential in addition to skill. They are that the person conducts his or her life with dignity, with integrity, with courage, and perhaps most of all, with modesty. These virtues are totally compatible with pride, ambition, and competitiveness.”
  4. “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.”
  5. “I don’t like to see anyone wearing baggy pants. I think it looks ridiculous. In fact, I know it looks ridiculous.”
  6. “If you want to be a success in life, you have to understand one thing – failure is not an option. You must never, ever give up.”
  7. “I always feel that if a person wants to be a champion, then he should go where champions are trained.”
  8. “Cricket is a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed.”
  9. “I hate losing and cricket being my first love, once I enter the ground it’s a different zone altogether, and that hunger for winning is always there.”
  10. “My theory was that cricket is a game of individuals performing and contributing to a team’s success. It’s all about performance and nothing else.”

These quotes by Don Bradman reflect his dedication, commitment, and passion for cricket and life. They also provide insight into his mindset, values, and approach to success. Bradman’s legacy as a cricketer and a leader continues to inspire and influence people around the world, and his quotes serve as a reminder of his greatness both on and off the field.

Quotes about Don Bradman from notable people:

  1. “Bradman is the greatest phenomenon in the history of cricket, indeed in the history of all ball games.” – Sir Neville Cardus, legendary cricket writer.
  2. “You could talk cricket with Bradman for a year and not know his mind on certain things.” – Keith Miller, Australian cricketer.
  3. “He was head and shoulders above the rest.” – Richie Benaud, Australian cricketer and commentator.
  4. “To be compared to Bradman is the ultimate honor, but it’s hard to believe that anyone will ever come close to matching his extraordinary talent and dedication to the sport.” – Shane Warne, former Australian cricketing legend.
  5. “Bradman is to batting what Bach was to music.” – Sir Pelham Warner, former English cricketer and administrator.
  6. “Sir Donald Bradman, the best cricketer of all time, is over and above all these legends.” – Sachin Tendulkar, Indian cricketing legend.
  7. “I don’t think anybody, with the possible exception of Don Bradman, has had the same impact.” – Ian Chappell, former Australian cricketer and captain.
  8. “Bradman is a cricketing god.” – Sir Vivian Richards, West Indian cricketing legend.
  9. “There’s no one in the game who compares to Sir Donald Bradman. I idolized him. He was a genius.” – Sir Garfield Sobers, West Indian cricketing legend.
  10. “He’s a legend. He’s Bradman.” – Dennis Lillee, former Australian fast bowler.
  11. “Bradman was an artist and his bat was the brush.” – Sir Len Hutton, former English cricketer and captain.
  12. “He was like a bullet train coming at you. There was no escape.” – Fazal Mahmood, Pakistani cricketer.
  13. “Bradman is the best, no doubt about it. The records speak for themselves.” – Clive Lloyd, West Indian cricketing legend.
  14. “He’s in a class of his own. I don’t think there’ll ever be another Bradman.” – Allan Border, former Australian cricketer and captain.
  15. “Bradman was to cricket what Shakespeare was to literature.” – Gideon Haigh, cricket historian and writer.
  16. “Bradman was not only a cricketing genius but also a role model for all sportsmen.” – Imran Khan, former Pakistani cricketer and Prime Minister.

These quotes reflect the awe and reverence that cricketers and sports enthusiasts have for Don Bradman’s extraordinary talent and impact on the game of cricket. His remarkable records and achievements continue to inspire and set the standard for excellence in the sport.

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